And Then There Were Five…

Here I am, once again running behind on blog posts and updating on my oh so glamorous life. I turned the big 25 on February 26th. I always have low-key birthdays, so I spent the day relaxing at home and my husband and I went out to Olive Garden for dinner. My husband did gift me a pair of vegan Birkenstocks and I got some Juicy Beauty products (thanks to my mama) that I had been dying to try out, but in more important news, we’ve been keeping a bit of a secret. This may or may not have contributed to my lack of posting…

Proud Sisters

We are expecting! Our very first baby is due on October 22, 2018!

Continue reading if you want to know the story of how we found out, my symptoms and cravings, how the ultrasounds went and how having Chiari while pregnant is going.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Five…”

Yappy Barkday M+E


January, a month that holds everypuggy’s birthday in this family. Our oldest, Mavis Odessa, is turning two-years-old on January 21st, while our little beeb, Eleven Mauvé just turned one on January 9th! Time has flown by so quickly! I can’t believe we have two adults now. I swear I blinked and they aged overnight. Watching Eleven blossom into her vocal, feisty, but oh-so-anxious little personality has brought us such joy, along with seeing how Mave has adjusted to having to share the limelight with her new sister.


Loves: Bones, nylabones, her stuffed pug, drinking “human tea” (aka bath water while we’re in it), going on walkies, taking car rides to anywhere, zoomie chase, sunbathing, full-body stretches, meeting new people

Hates: bubblewrap, the accented “P” sound, especially in the word Pinocchio, having her nails done, getting her teeth cleaned, being crated for any reason, going to the bathroom when her parents need her to go in a quickly manner


Loves: chewing, chewing, chewing, “yelling” at her mom + dad, constant attention, biting sister’s face, trying to hump sister, nylabones, tug-of-war, staying home

Hates: despises having her nails done, going on car rides, being away from home, not having us around constantly, the electric toothbrush, meeting new people

We wanted to throw our first barkday pawrty (warning: there are a lot of hidden dog puns in this post) with some of our pug pals we’ve met on #PugChat and through Austin Pug Rescue events. After careful planning on twitter we headed to Yard Bar in Austin, Texas — a unique little bar and dog park that has locals barking mad! Our “sweet-themed” party included a donut-print tablecloth, valentine cupcakes and cookies, pink balloons, and birthday treats for M, E, and their guests from Claudia’s Canine Bakery. Our guests included the lovely Spike and Zira, our newest pug friends Baxter and Atticus and their fabulous moms! After grabbing a few treats and some lunch, we let the fun begin and went inside the dog park! The girls had such a great time and were even joined by a few King Cavalier Spaniels and other small dogs in the yard. M + E got to pick out their own gifts at PetSmart – rabbit chews, tsum-tsum stuffies (Nemo + Cheshire), birthday outfits (crowns, bandanas, + skirts) and a pup-pie! We also got our barkbox gift (prize for participating in #PugChat) from Hamilton + Rufus that we opened at the park and shared with our furrends!

It was the perfect get together and I am pleased how the day went. Despite it being a bit chilly and having a horrible toothache, the girls enjoyed their treats, toys, friends, and playtime!

Here’s to next year!

Enjoy our cute little neon inspired video showcasing all our photos and video from the pug party above!Xoxo,Cass, Mave + EleSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

Dog Vlog

Hello lovely followers and new readers! As most of you know I have two lovely little pug princesses that are a big part of my crazy life. I’ve been trying to keep my youtube channel somewhat updated with their troublesome adventures, therefore below, I have included two videos from the past month!

The first one is a look into the first week I brought Eleven “home” to Grandma’s house to get acquainted with Mavis and myself. This time happened to fall while Caleb was off in California for training, so it was an all girls adventure in bringing this tiny soul into our lives. Mavis and Eleven have been best friends ever since meeting and they constantly play back and forth.

The second little clip is from Mae’s first time “home alone,” while Caleb and I took a couple of hours to do errands. What a sad little girl she was. While Eleven was confined to her crate, Mavis took her “freedom” aimlessly roaming around in a confused state of solidarity.

I hope you enjoy the videos above and if you would like to subscribe to our youtube channel, we would love that (unfortunately we can’t even name our channel until we have 100 followers! Okay youtube this is one of the most stupid official rules!)!


Cass, Mav, & Ele

New Header!

How amazing is the new header by Zoey Cottom? I had Zoey design a custom header for my blog and I absolutely am in love. How perfect is this magnificent header?! I just am so absolutely happy with it. Please go follow Zoey and order a custom design!! I think I will just have to order a print of this too!


This was a custom design created for me so please do NOT steal. You do not have permission to use.


Cass, Mav, & Ele

Mavis and Eleven

Good news, good news, good news! Eleven is home and officially best friends with Mavis! This little seven-week-old pug puppy is so full of spunk and energy, she is known as ‘spitfire’! I officially turned twenty-four this past Sunday and it just so happened to line up with bringing the baby home. Mavis met Eleven on Saturday night right before we went out to Red Lobster to celebrate my day. She did wonderfully with the introduction although


Eleven was a bit intimidated and scared by this new strange long-legged lady.Eleven is quite different from Mavis when she was puppy! Ele is noticeably smaller than Mae Mae, as she was the runt of eight puppies (Mavis was the runt of five!). She is super quick on her feet, which makes me think she secretly should be called “Lightning McQueen.” Her personality is quickly blossoming into the sassy little soul she is. She is completely fearless now when it comes to playtime with Mavis. She is constantly throwing herself at Mae over and over again looking for a boxing match. It’s quite hilarious!

Mavis and Eleven were even featured on television on Right This Minute! I have never had anything posted main stream wise, so this was pretty cool for all of us. They’re little “puglebrities,” as I have been told. I will continue to videotape Eleven and Mavis as they grow up together and cause shenanigans.So much love to you all!

Cass, Mav, & Ele!


Sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve been so busy with school and the hustle bustle of traveling back and forth from my new home to my school. I moved in with my fiancé about a month ago and it’s been great! We’re getting our little duplex home settled and our neighbors are good friends too! Once the house gets settled I want to post my little interior decorating results. Living in Fort Hood is awesome because I feel safe and I take Mavis for walks often. It can be hard sometimes when Caleb is in the field, but I’m starting to get settled in, but it’ll take awhile to get used to. In other big news, we are planning on getting a baby pug next year! We’re on a waiting list for a black baby girl and we’ve picked a name for her already. The first week of December we’re getting involved with the Austin pug rescue! Mavis will be attending the holiday ceremony and I’m sure she will be the star of the show. That’s all for now!


Cass & Mav