Our Newest Addition

If you have been following along with my instagram feed, you may have noticed that we have a new (bald) addition to our family! After years of wanting a Sphynx kitten, our dreams came true when I surprised my husband with a special early Christmas gift: a hairless pink and gray kitten. I hadn’t planned on getting a Sphynx kitten so soon, but the opportunity arose and I jumped on it. It was so hard not telling my husband about her, but so worth seeing the shock on his face when he first lay eyes on our little girl.

Nimbus Tonks is a harlequin sphynx and she is beautiful and so sweet. I’ve never have had a cat that was so friendly and “dog-like” in nature. I made sure to film the magic moment when I secretly picked her up from Cedar Park, drove her to our home in Austin and plopped her into my unsuspecting husband’s arms. I included the video below and I have to say, I am so in love with my hubby’s priceless reaction.

Nimbus has been adjusting wonderfully to our little family. Our pugs were a little hesitant at first about inviting a little strange-looking creature into our home, but now they are cuddle buddies and it’s like she has been here all along. Having a Sphynx cat, however desired and awesome they are, requires a lot of T.L.C. They are not a low maintenance breed and I definitely suggest thoroughly researching the breed before investing your interest in adding one to your family.

Just some of the care we provide to Nimbs, which goes out side of ‘normal’ cat care include: weekly baths, daily use of grooming wipes, biweekly ear cleanings, daily eye cleanings, weekly gunk removal from nails and nail trimmings, as-needed moisturizing, and my absolute favorite; wiping her hiney hole after she drops a bomb… Ah. Yes the joys of being a Sphynx mama. For us, going the extra mile to make sure Nimbs is healthy is worth it for us. We also take special care in making sure he body temperature is regulated with self-heating beds, plug-in small animal heaters, blankets, and sweaters too.

Nimby’s personality has blossomed since she has adjusted to her new home and family. She LOVES food with wet food being her absolute favorite. She enjoys cat milk as a treat, but has a sensitive stomach to any human foods (that Griff may or may not have tried to feed her on a couple of occasions). She loves playing with her sisters, especially Eleven, who will chase back and forth in a wild game of tag usually taking place in the late nights when everyone should be in bed. Nimbus is a hunter when it comes to any uninvited insects and lets not forget Christmas ornaments that have managed to stay trapped underneath our bed: aka her lair.

We’ve had a few potty hiccups here and there, but Nimbs is a great addition to our home and we have greatly enjoyed her company. I plan on adding a more detailed post on Sphynx care and the products we use in the near future, so be keeping an eye out if you want to see more our our “little alien”.  We have added a new member to our Robinson family every year since 2016, so I can only wonder as to what 2020 will bring.

Bringing you bare bliss,




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