
I had a MRI on Sunday as ordered by my neurosurgeon, Dr. Parrish and they found two tumors on my thoracic spine (T7 and T9). These are cavernous hemangioma, benign collection of blood vessels, that are pressing against my spinal cord.A cavernoma is a blood filled raspberry. As it bleeds it causes damage to various parts of the nerves. When they bleed they reattach and get bigger. If it is inside the cord it does permanent damage as it damages the spinal cord.

Hemangioma occurs most often in the thoracic spine. These Tumours affect adults and are known to be progressive vascular masses that can cause vertebral collapse and paraparesis (slight paralysis).              -back.com

Treatment depends on the severity. I have had extreme lower back pain, numbness, and tingling. With this being said, I do not knoHemangiomaw how to differentiate what is being caused by the chiari malformation and what is being caused by the tumors. They can either try medication, embolization (Stop blood flow), use radiation therapy (which I do not want), or surgically remove the tumors. This is not related to Chiari at all and having them on the spine is extremely rare. I will most likely have to have these removed in addition to my decompression surgery

I need help now more than ever. Please share my gofundme (gofundme.com/cassandrabordner) | if you have the ability to donate it would mean the world to me.