Pregnancy, Moving, and a Shower!

Long time, no write. It has been so hectic these past couple of months. Caleb, first and foremost, went to California and we were away from each other for two months which was incredibly hard and extremely draining. He stayed with his parents to save up some money for our new place and to pay off some bills, while I stayed with my mom and her boyfriend back in Texas. It was a definite test of strength in those months; being pregnant exasperated my loneliness and I just felt miserable until he came home.


Once Caleb came back to Texas, we made plans to start looking for a home near Austin so that he could attend Austin Community College and use his GI bill to earn his degree. We struggled for a couple of weeks on figuring out what we would be able to do, but with lots of prayers we finally found the perfect duplex and things have fallen (or have been shoved) into place. We are now slowly settling into our new community and have found some great friends through our church. It’s hard not to over worry about getting all our ducks in a row before the baby is born, but were doing our best to just have faith that everything will work out for us and that God will provide for us and our child.

Once we get everything unpacked and set up, I’ll take pictures of each room (especially the nursery!) and document my experience with moving while 32 weeks pregnant (MAN! Has it been absolutely draining). We are only down to a handful of boxes and a couple of rooms need some extra tidying, but we are making progress and I am hopeful we will have our house completed before the baby’s arrival.


Another extremely exciting event happened this past Saturday; our baby shower! We headed down to Waco and had the cutest summer “Let’s Flamingle” themed shower at a little café branch of a downtown bakery called Olive Branch Express. My mother-in-law hosted this wonderful blue-and-pink shower with the decorating help of my aunt and what a perfect turnout it was!


We had a great time catching up with family and opening presents for our little squish as we call him/her. We are extremely blessed by the love surrounding our baby. I know that  they will be completely loved by us, our families, and our church family. Thirty-four days left and anxiously counting to meet you little one. We do have names picked out, but are waiting to announce until we know if the baby is a girl or boy, so shortly after birth!


I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has gone for me. There are times where it feels like it’s going so slow and I just get overwhelmed because baby is riding up into my lungs and I feel like I can’t breathe, but really it’s been like a blink of the eye. Here we are 35 weeks into this baby-baking business and trying our best to manage birthing classes, learn cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and the ins and outs of infant raising!

I can’t wait to meet our little blessing and once we have everything  unpacked and put aways, I will be ready for them to enter the world! I’m so blessed to have had a healthy pregnancy. I’ve had hip and back pain, but I’ve managed to push through it and focus on the bigger picture. We’ve gotten this far with no gestational diabetes, great blood work, and good blood pressure with minimal complications. GOD is great in his many miracles.


Much love and here’s to next time!



Twenty Weeks


How in the world am I already half way through my pregnancy?! It’s been an overwhelming, but incredible ride so far.

On May 22, we had our anatomy scan which identifies the gender of the baby and ensures baby is on track with growth. Since I have solely committed to not finding out the gender of our little jalapeño, we both agreed to turn our heads away while the technician confirmed the baby’s gender, although there was a struggle for me to keep my hand over Caleb’s eyes as he desperately tried to move it out of the way! No way! There is no way one of us could know and not tell the other, so too bad for you hubby. Our baby is looking healthy as can be and we are growing more and more excited for our little one’s arrival.

Wow. What a little miracle we have here. I am truly in awe at how baby is growing and developing. I felt Baby Robinson move for the first time on the 24th of May. Caleb and I were traveling back and forth from our storage unit (lots of lifting in this heat has made me almost reach my end!) and I felt a little roll from the inside! I exclaimed to Caleb I felt it!! I felt the baby! I called my mom immediately with excitement. It’s such an unbelievable feeling: like a little massage roller from the inside out and Baby R made her/his presence known. Now baby moves daily and sometimes she/he won’t stop! I can no longer comfortably lay on my belly, which is a bummer for me because that was my go to sleeping position prior to baby, but it’s all going to be worth it in the end.

Health wise, I am hanging in there. My biggest issue was dealing with hip and back pain. When I was working my hips would dislocate and hurt often, but now that I am resting, I am feeling better.

What’s getting me through this horrendous summer of being pregnant? The indoors are a must. I cannot go outside for long. I am dying to go swimming and cool off in the water. I wish we had a community pool here, but we sadly do not so it’s either to my dad’s house to go to the lake or they have a crappy lake here, but we have no boat to access it. There is a “beachfront” access (if you can call it that), but the water is so dingy and unsanitary. Lots of cool drinks: water, sparkling juices, and an occasional diet coke help keep my hydrated. I am constantly drinking throughout the day to make sure we keep healthy! Apple slices, grapes, kiwis, strawberries, and blueberries are the perfect summer treats to cool off too. To keep my busy on the inside, I am watching Hart of Dixie, knitting, and playing Neopets (yes, once again.)

On to the fall please! 139 days left until we meet our little one.

We are registered at BabyList and Amazon although we don’t officially have a shower planned yet.




And Then There Were Five…

Here I am, once again running behind on blog posts and updating on my oh so glamorous life. I turned the big 25 on February 26th. I always have low-key birthdays, so I spent the day relaxing at home and my husband and I went out to Olive Garden for dinner. My husband did gift me a pair of vegan Birkenstocks and I got some Juicy Beauty products (thanks to my mama) that I had been dying to try out, but in more important news, we’ve been keeping a bit of a secret. This may or may not have contributed to my lack of posting…

Proud Sisters

We are expecting! Our very first baby is due on October 22, 2018!

Continue reading if you want to know the story of how we found out, my symptoms and cravings, how the ultrasounds went and how having Chiari while pregnant is going.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Five…”